“BHL : the last European ?”

Published on Friday, March 01, 2019

Bernard-Henri Lévy will start his tour for «Looking for Europe» on March 5th. He analyzes the rise of populism in Italy and Europe.

Three months away from the European election, as 55% of the French say they won’t vote for it according to an Ifop pool, an intellectual still claims, on stage, his love for a united Europe : it is Bernard-Henri Lévy. On March 5th, the writer will start a one-of-a-kind campaign with a tour going through more than 20 cities in Europe. A show shaped as a monologue in which the philosopher pleads for a European federalism and against populisms threatening the roots of our democracies. 

Listen to the podcast online : https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/linvite-des-matins/bhl-le-dernier-europeen